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Cocking your wrists properly will help you develop a smooth and powerful path through the ball.
Cocking your wrists properly will help you develop a smooth and powerful path through the ball.

Cocking your wrists and hinging the club are important but separate things, with the former being simpler and more repeatable than the latter.

All top players cock their wrists during the swing, and, if facing them, you’ll notice the back of their gloved hand is always visible. Here’s a simple drill to help you cock your wrists and develop a more fluid and on-plane swing:

Get in your address position.

Lift your arms and cock your wrists while staying in your address posture.

Turn your back toward the target to get a feel for maintaining your wrist cock to the top of the backswing.

Turn back to the target and hit the ball by turning your body, not swinging your arms.

Paul Miernicki, PGA, is the director of instruction at Twin Oaks Golf Course in San Marcos. He can be reached at (760) 591-3248.